PRO-TEC本身是极限运动用頭盔护具公司,PRO-TEC全盔由于具有重量轻且防撞性能优良,所以被美軍方人員大量使用于跳傘、登艇、等作训任務。由于多见海豹·1小队成员使用,大家也行惯性的称他为海豹盔. Pro-tec盔有很多部队采用,包括 SEALs、Detla、SBS,PJ/CCT 等等。当然不一定非是我图中展示的这一款全盔,其他款式的半盔,由于能更好的使用通讯耳机系统,后来使用的范围也更加广泛,但是我跟喜欢这种全盔以及那种用它DIY出来的带通讯系统的山寨货。呵呵!
Pro-tec盔材料主要為塑料,內置高密度吸震海绵。而 Pro-tec頭盔的优点就是比普通的盔輕、保護全面、通風及宜清洗。据说军队用的盔里面和我这个不一样,谁知道呢,我也没见过这种盔还有军版的,只是我没见过,但是里面的吸振材料确实有很多种区别,我手里面的两个就不一样。学着别人把盔用砂纸打毛,确实不反光了,可是确实像个垃圾货色。
This is one of the super famous helmets used by US Special Forces ever. This helmet has been in military service since day one!
According to Pro-Tec, the helmet is made in 1970's. It is a skate helmet that became the most recognizable helmet of all time. Featuring classic ear protection styling, a comfy two stage liner, stainless steel rivets, and soft tubular webbing chin strap.
ProTec Helmet offers impact protection to the operators only. It is not a ballistic helmet. It is super light weight, and has a nice foam pads around the skull and ears. Many maritime, VBSS operators love it. It is almost an icon of the VBSS SEALs.
The original Pro-Tec helmet is in black only. Now, the helmet is available in other military colors, such as, desert tan, olive drab, Grey, and etc. Besides, Pro-Tec also offer other type of liner, and non-reflective Pro-Tec helmets. Be sure to check them out.(抄自http://www.specwargear.com/)

CGF Gallet Half Head Helmet
这两张照片,有说是5TH SFG , 又说是DELTA FORCE,还有说是10TH SFG,谁知道呢,总之,其中包括了我最爱的很多东西和我第一套全套装备,是我的梦想诶! 头盔是 CGF/GALLET HALF CUT HELMET, 背心式EAGLE TAC V-10, 脚上还有阿迪达斯,呵呵。。。。终于攒起之后,才发现我不是吃牛肉长大的,又在里面穿了一件PBPV 抗弹背心,顺路说一下,这里面有一个最有意思的一点,就是,有一位大哥在里面使用ALTA护肘当做护膝用的,这个很符合我瘦小的身材,值得推广。可见大家使用一些壮举是可以活学活用。。呵呵
头盔的制造者,以前是法国公司,给法国海军陆战队等部队供应防弹头盔,这盔的名字就是陆战队作训盔(大意)。这个公司后来被美国MSA收购了,我看国外网站上的资料,自己想当然的分析,MSA MICH系列都应该是来自于GALLET以前的这个系列,这从最早的MICH内标也可见,那是、都是有CGF还是GALLET这样的标记的,不过MSA的改进,应该就是我们熟知的记忆海绵垫和四点悬挂。大大改善了佩戴稳定性等等、、、、、、以前CGF/GALLET的系列头盔,(其实就是类似TC2000 ,TC2001, TC2002))使用的悬挂全是类似我上面图中那种三点式悬挂,使用耳机的时候比较麻烦,带夜视仪前倾也比较厉害,是不如MICH后来的改进。但在当时的舒适性和稳定性还是很好的了。这个盔和2001相比在耳朵上面的盔边有一点点外翻,不是全部和MICH2001一样的齐边。但是GENTEX TBH-II好想和她一样,谁知道美国人怎麽保护知识产权的。
盔的防护能力和常见MICH这些是一个等级的,由于亏尺寸和一些设计的限制,盔我看最好是和类似TASC这类耳机使用,绝对不用考虑降噪耳机,除非你换成MICH PADS,我倒是贴了些MICH 那种圆片在里面可以用,但是心里总觉得不对。。盔原代的悬吊很好取出保养,就是几个按扣,不要害怕这几个按扣,绝不影响性能。
This is the famous CGF Gallet Half Head Helmet used by the Army Special Forces. The same helmet also used by Navy SEALs.
This helmet is made by CGF Gallet, a very famous ballistic helmet manufacturer in France. The half head design fits any tactical headset set up. Inside the helmet is a large overhead impact resistant pad. Suspension system is a three point system with a plastic chin cup.
Since the helmet is lighter and lower profile in shape, it is a favorite choice of CQB operators. (抄自http://www.specwargear.com/)

美军GENTEX公司产摩托盔,对这个盔最初的印象,是看到过一幅画出来的插画,美军75TH RANGER的摩托侦察兵,带这个盔,骑摩托,还带了AN/PVS-5。太。。。。。。。。后来就看见是第一次海湾战争中那张在沙漠里骑了个KLR250的美军好像带的就是这个。后来也能见到有在开DPV这类车使用的。在SPECWARGEAR看的时候,好像还有同类I代盔也有被标注为HALO用盔的,不知道是否有这种用法,但是两种盔横向对比来说,这家伙实在要重很多,我不觉得用它跳伞是好主意,盔体和55P应该是一个形状的,只是在很多细节不相同,到底是用的是不同的范围,表面粗糙做成了磨砂感觉,防止了反光,盔体较HALO盔应该会厚一点,我掰着试了试,要比HALO硬棒,也造成想要带上去的时候,比起HALO难,我是大概58-59的头围,这个盔是大号,带的过程最好头上戴头套,不然耳朵会不舒服,还很紧。而大号55P HALO就相对容易和舒服多了。里面的减震材料也比HALO的硬,不知道是不是骑摩托车的盔,里面不紧, 会有共震。。。还是。。。我没骑过摩托。对这个盔也了解不多。
Gentex Military Motorcycle Helmet (MMH). It offers ballistic protection, impact / shock absorption, HALO oxygen Mask interface, flexible noise-canceling boom mic, and a remote communication PTT box.This is a Gen II Gentex Military Motorcycle Helmet. The noise-canceling boom mic becomes more compact than the Gen I MMH.

Gentex HALO Helmet is famous all over the world. It offers excellent impact protection, noise protection, penetration protection, and eye protection to the user. It is light weighted and has a super smooth surface to prevent obstruction. Oxygen mask receiver is compatible to many different types of Gentex oxygen masks. Communication system / boom mic can be fully customized. With the removable ski-boot NVG mount base, you can attached an AN/VIS NVG on it. No problem in night jumps at all !(抄自http://www.specwargear.com/)


RBR Combat Helmet was popular among SF teams in late 1990s and early 2000s. It is made by RBR Armor, Inc., a super famous UK helmet manufacturer. This helmet is also very famous among UK Special Forces.
RBR helmets have many great features that excel the US PASGT helmets at that period; such as, a better ballistic performance, an innovative three point suspension system, rubber chin cup, padded head band, better surface finish, stream-line edge, better gas mask and headset interface, and a low profile helmet shape.(抄自http://www.specwargear.com/)
Dover Integrated Ballistic Helmet (IBH)
Many readers have been asking us about this mysterious helmet for the past 6 years. Now and finally, let us introduce to you.......the great IBH helmet from ILC Dover.
This super famous Helmet has been seen used by SEALs, CCT, and PJs (SOCOM) during late 1990s and early 2000s. I remembered the first time I saw the IBH was in the book "American Special Forces". The outlook of the IBH is very impressive and futuristic, just like some sort of space stuffs !
Damn right, IBH was made by ILC Dover, the company that makes NASA space suits and participates in many high tech defense projects. This cool helmet is made by ILC Dover in 1995 - 1996. According to ILC Dover, only 741 pieces were made. It is primarily developed for SOCOM, and the FBI. Now, let's look at the features of the IBH.
The IBH offers lightweight limited small arms and frag protection, hearing protection, full communication capability, night vision capability, gas mask capability, even HALO face mask capability. Now, just imagine this was done 12 years ago !!! Totally amazing !!
Communication system of the IBH is called AHS (Ambient Hearing System). The earcups are removable, providing sound attenuations, additional ballistic protections, communication capabilities including ear speakers and boom mic wiring. The boom mic can be set at the right or left. The boom mic provides communications interface to standard military communication gear. The two communication cords are removable. It is a dual cord communication system, allowing you to use two radios at the same time, like PRC radios, Motorola MX300R and Saber radio.
Removable oxygen mask receivers which provides interface to PHAOS Parachutist Mask, MBU type oxygen mask, and the gas masks.
For the NVG mounts, there are many options. The original mount is made for AN/AVS-6 NVG. Wilcox Industry later offers several mounts for the IBH. These mounts fit the more popular PVS-7, PVS-14, PVS-15 and PVS-18 NVGs.
Innovative replaceable comfort/ sizing pads which provide profit helmet sizing as well as a comfortable interface with the user. Replicable foam impact layer provides limited impact protection. Four point replaceable chin / nape strap provides proper helmet adjustment.
Despite all the above cool features, IBH production was discontinued. Rumor said it didn't pass all the tests required by SOCOM (correct us if we were wrong). Only 741 pieces were ever produced according to ILC Dover. (抄http://www.specwargear.com/)
MSA MICH helmet is the current ballistic helmet used by almost all US Special Forces. Excellent ballistic performance, light weight, low profile design, 4 point suspension system, modular skull foam pads for maximum comfort, excellent interface for headsets, and gas masks. It is one of the best ballistic helmets nowadays. (抄自http://www.specwargear.com/)