1. The base material tested should have felt familiar to soldiers. Like a standard ACU, this uniform consisted of a 50/50 nylon/cotton weave with a ripstop reinforcement.
2. This ACU featured the same 50/50 nylon/cotton blend as an ACU, but use a twill weave rather than a simple weave backed by ripstop. Rather than a simple perpendicular weave, twill (like your jeans) takes a diagonal pattern designed for strength and durability.
3. The Army also tried a 38/38/24 blend of nylon, cotton, and PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene: the same chemical compound is the basis for teflon non-stick pans). PTFE is strong, lightweight and doesn’t absorb water. This uniform used a twill weave.
4. Soldiers also wore a uniform made of 100 percent nylon ripstop. With no cotton, the material does not take on very much water and weighs less than cotton blends, while retaining the relative strength of nylon. This uniform was one of the lightest tested. The trousers were made slightly heavier than the blousers, to increase durability.
5. Another nylon-cotton blend, this uniform went higher with the nylon (57/43) and used a specialized high-strength nylon called T420 HT.
还是棉和尼龙的混纺,57/43但是用来一种叫T420 HT的尼龙,求大神科普T420 HT
6. This uniform was 98 percent nylon, 2 percent spandex. Made with a simple weave (no ripstop nor twill), this was the lightest uniform tested . The spandex added a slight degree of flexibility, stretch recovery and reduced weight.
7. This uniform was a blend of 37/33/30 aramid/nylon/flame-resistant cotton. Aramids are synthetic polymers and Kevlar is an example of one. The Aramid helped increase the fabric’s durability and a twill weave helped further. Aramid is also naturally flame-resistant, like the particular cotton used in this blend.
8. Finally, the Army looked at a polyester-based fabric, using a twill weave. Polyester is quick-drying and has low-water absorption. It’s strong but not as strong as nylon, and also offers a bit less elasticity. The blend is 58/52 polyester/cocona polyester, the latter of which is includes a carbon derived from coconut husks. This further improves moisture-management.
而参与测试的士兵反映也各不相同,Staff Sgt. Larry认为有的作战服就和普通ACU一样,有的则像穿了睡衣。在衣服湿掉以前,大家都很喜欢他们,但是,丛林到了夜里温度会很低,你就可以下炎热的气候里体会低温了。而太薄的料子同样被部分士兵吐槽,被太阳只剩就像在做饭一样热(蒸笼里?)。棉和 T420HT 尼龙到了材质的ACU则受到了这位参测士兵的好评,各种复杂地形下都没有坏掉,我也没有觉得太热或者太冷。(当然我们不知道是不是原文编辑在迪拜的大楼有添砖加瓦了。)
Sgt. Evan则更喜欢同样采用50/50NYCO材料简化了的ACU。去掉了胸口、小腿、和屁股的口袋,使得裤子不容易剐蹭,衣服更透气了。他也很欣赏衣服和裤脚处的网格,使得衣服不贴身、增加透气性和排水,以及阻止水蛭爬上去。
(这里原文是:The mesh netting helps keep leaches from climbing up,” Mead said. “You can tuck them into the boot. It keeps the pants un-bloused to let air flow, and helps drain water.” ,所用Leaches一词我认为是编辑拼写错误,Leech水蛭的意思更为贴切。)
靴子的测试也在进行,Natick中心提供了5种靴子参与测试,两种和通用靴子一样的底,而另外三种则选择了更薄的鞋底。一共有1000双靴子被提供给参与测试的士兵,这项测试会持续90天。值得注意的是巴拿马底又回来了,甚至成为了Sgt. Evan Mead的最爱。