This is a brand new London Bridge Trading Item and they are calling it the LBT-2586J (2586 is their chest rigs) and what is cool about it is it is designed to interface directly with their 6094 Slick Plate Carriers.
The story I got on these is that they came out of a request from DevGru to have a chest rig that interfaced with the slick plate carrier – they called it a “crap panel” (as in you can carry crap on it).
Basically, what you get is a MOLLE sleeve with a radio pouch at each end, two attachment points to the plate carrier, and two “kangaroo pouches.” One kangaroo pouch will hold 4x 5.56 magazines, while the other will hold 3x 7.62 magazines and they slide into and attach to the chest rig via velcro. It should also be noted that these kangaroo pouches are bigger than the standard one that goes into the LBT-6094A (see picture below).
In short, I think it is a really cool rig. It carries magazines and radios, and nothing more and the way it tightens down on the side is real slick. It is also made out lightweight cordura as well, 500d most likely, which is great.