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加拿大Individual Meal Pack 个人用餐包

[ ] 来源: 作战2000 作者:bearsyy


   这个mre看起来是不是很眼熟聂?不就是透视装的mre嘛。。。。嘿嘿。。。这个就是换个马甲的枫叶国imp --Individual Meal Pack  个人用餐包。


以下是俺从http://www.mreinfo.com/ 的论坛搞来的帖子介绍,具体哪个帖子忘记了。。。希望作者原谅吧。

- it is CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) inspected and approved for distribution in Canada, which means some of the stuff you might find in the US case won't be there. 鉴定是由Canadian Food Inspection Agency加拿大食品鉴定机构办理的,所以有的东西可能在美军的mre里面看到,但是这里看不到--------貌似加拿大的标准比美国严格点。
- Every meal bag has wheat snack bread (no crackers) -- I just loved the bread and wanted to make sure it was in every meal    每个包里面都有全麦面包片(不是硬饼干)作者喜欢面包片
- we have 8 different MRE entrees in the current case we sell       有8种不同的主菜
- Chicken Cav  嫩鸡肉(cav查的时候总是查出鸡瘟之类的。。。唯一比较靠普的是雏鸡。。。。俺小白咯)
- Pork Rib  猪排骨
- Grilled Chicken   烤鸡
- Penne  意大利面的一种,就是斜切角那种空心圆管的面条(都叫pasta不就好了。。。非要换名。。。俺还要重新查,bs。。)
- Cheese Tortellini  奶酪水饺(Tortellini 是圆形饺子的意思,再度bs)
- Cheese Omelet   奶酪蛋饼/蛋卷(这是啥东西。。。难道是春卷?)---------------------本熊开始的时候竟然会看成chinese omelet。。。。。喝酒误事啊,嗷嗷。。 
- Veggie Burger    素食汉堡
- Chicken with Noodles   鸡肉面条
- we have 3 different MRE side dish items    三种配菜
- hash browns  应该算是土豆饼。。就是把土豆切碎成丝状或者用土豆泥,煎成饼的样子,现在应该都是便宜的土豆饼了,有的还是混合的,会有胡萝卜或者肉类
- fruit (pineapple and spiced apples)   水果(菠萝和调过味的苹果)
- Mexican rice  墨西哥米饭  各位朋友没事千万别以为这个东西好吃,比国内的大米差的不是一点半点,黄黄的,没有黏性,煮的时候散发出化学药品的味道。
and 4 different desserts   4种甜点
- Chocolate sports bar   运动巧克力棒  大概就是那种类似用蜜糖和谷物之类的做芯,外面裹厚厚的巧克力的巧克力棒,这应该就是“运动”所在吧
- Ranger Bar   骑兵棒。。。啥东西。。护林员棒?。。。没查到呢。。
- Fudge Brownie  乳糖布朗尼。。。就是一种牛奶糖芯的果仁巧克力棒或者饼
- Shortbread cookie  脆甜饼
and 4 different jams  4种果酱
- Grape, Strawberry, Blackberry, and apple jelly  葡萄,草莓,黑莓,苹果酱
So it has a lot more variety that you would normally see in a case of surepak 12 (not to take anything away from the Surepak, its just to get the product imported we had to decide what would go into it and so we ended up settling on the configuration above and becuase every case is the same we wanted a little more variety).   这句话的意思是有很多种组合,他们是把这些东西随机的放在一起的,更富于变化,更有趣。。。
The reason it shows only 4 entrees is that those are in every case and there is some variability, so we might change the other 4 from time to time (we are thinking of moving off pork rib, which people seem to either love or hate (the latter mostly)). 
The Flameless ration heaters are optional (we can do with or without)  无火加热器是可选的



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